Box/File List

Laure Rièse

Box 1
Correspondence, minutes and publications relating to Rièse’s activities as a member of the Advisory Board of the Northrop Frye Centre
11Frye Centre, Advisory Board1990-1991
12Caricatures from Robert Denham1994
13Frye Centre, Advisory Board1992-1994
Box 2
Notes for speeches, conférences, etc.
21Conférences Suisse; documents importants si on veux parler de la Suisse
22Conférences écrites et publiés article varis
23Conference notes [?]1938
24Conference notes
25Conférences causeries
26Conférences Suisse Romanele
28Homage to Colette
29Bon, fini le Coulot, etc.
Box 3
31Gérard Mourgue 1980-1991

Includes newspaper clippings, typescripts of poems, photographs,etc.   

(Photos P1)
32-9Gérard Mourgue1956-1995

Includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, copies of his works (typescripts mostly and some published copies), a copy of his CV, memorabilia from events he attended, photographs, copies of speeches, etc. that he sent to Laure Rièse.   

(Photos P1-2)
Box 4
41Amis1964, 1976, 1981-1988
42Amis Toronto importants1953, 1962-1968, 1970, 1976-1977, 1980-1987
43Correspondence re Ethos (the Ethos Cultural Development Foundation)1984
44Grace E. Ross1985-1992
45Alliance Française1968-1971
46Jan Smith Stewart1983-1993
47Suisse amis1983-1993
48Claude de Mestral1979-1985
49Felicitations prix1962-1963
410Roland Montulouis1985-1993
411Hélène Gagnon, correspondence relating to her portrait of Rièse, including colour photographs1991-1993
412Invitation cards


413Martha Fehsenfeld; Lois Overbeck1990-1993
414Association des femmes d’affairs francophones1994
415Appreciation gala, Lt.–Governor of Ontario1991
416 Correspondence1963-1964, 1971-1973
417 Correspondence1981-1989
Box 5
56France diverse associations, amis importants
57Vic, anciens étudiants, amis
58Lettres importantes1977-1992
59Victoria University1986-1991
510Courrier interessant à garder1976-1987
511Amis canadiens à garder1978-1992
513Divers à garder1988-1993
514 USA1991-1993
515étranger melange un peu de tout1986, 1990-1993
516Amis de différents pays en dehors du Canada1980-1990
517 Divers1966, 1968, 1988, 1989
518 Remerciement conferences1963-1990
519 Divers
520Prix Saddlemeyer1990
521Libby Wong1988-1993
522Re Kushner prix; research etc., Frye1988-1991
524Felicitations, remerciements, re mon livre Le salons littérature1962
525Correspondence (includes A.B.B. Moore, Ruth Bentley, Moyra Haney, Libby Wong, Ann Saddlemyer 1996
Box 6
Travel journals
63New York1932, 1934
64Scrapbook of European trip1936
65New York, Washington1936
66Paris1936, 1937
610Greece, Europe1951
611Paris, England1953
615Carnet de voyage1978, 1979, 1980, 1986

India 1978; Himalayas, 1979; Indonesia, 1980; China, 1986

Box 7


7"1979 Nepal"1979

Diary. Also contains loose scraps of paper.


Small, teal diary.


Red Rhodia notebook/diary.

7"Air France" diary[1977?]

Small, black day planner with diary entries written inside.


Small, red leather diary.

7"Excelsior" diary[n.d.]


7"Inde I, 1979"1979

Small, teal diary.

7"Inde II, 1979"1979

Small, green diary.

7"Myosotis" diary[n.d.]


7"Paris, 1979"1979

Small, green diary.

7"Promises" diary[n.d.]

Blue spiral-bound notebook with “promises” on the cover.

7"The Spiral" diary[n.d.]


7"Ward 5" notebook[1969?] or [1970?]

Small, yellow notebook with Alderman Harold Menzies on the cover.

7"What's Up" diary1981

Spiral-bound notebook with the words “what’s up” on the cover.

71979 planner1979


71982 Reminder1982

Day planner with diary entries written inside.

71983 Reminder1983

Day planner with diary entries written inside.


Small spiral-bound notebook/diary with a zebra-print cover.

71988 Swiss diary1988

Hardcover day planner with diary entries written inside. Also contains loose cards and notes.

71989 Swiss diary1989

Hardcover day planner with diary entries written inside.

71990 Swiss diary1990

Hardcover day planner with messages to Rièse written inside. Also contains loose notes, cards, invitations and programs.

71991 Redouté Diary1991

Day planner with messages to Rièse written inside. Also contains a small telephone address book.

7A.P.B. Diary1984


7A.P.B. Diary1985


7Agenda d’art 19891989

Day planner with daily diary entries.

7Almanach 19831983

Day planner with messages to Rièse from friends and colleagues written inside.

7American West 1987 engagement calendar[1987?]

Day planner with daily diary entries.

7Around the World engagement calendar[1991?]

Day planner with daily diary entries. Also includes programs and invitations, all from 1991.

7Butterfly diary1978

Diary with a butterfly on the cover.

7Diary 19721972

Address book.

7Diary 1973, Vol III1973

Address book.  

7Diary 1975, no.11975

Address book.

7Essentials diary1983

Red spiral-bound notebook.

7Green Glatigny diary1984



Day planner.

7Tour 1977. USA1977



Diary. A pencil is attached to the back cover of the diary.

7U.A.P. diary[n.d.]


7Wild & Wonderful, 1978 no. 21978


7Wild & Wonderful, 1978 – I1978


7[Black spiral-bound diary][n.d.]


7[Blue spiral-bound diary][n.d.]


7[Green spiral-bound diary][n.d.]


7[Red plastic diary][n.d.]


Box 8
8 Notebooks, agenda books, engagement calendars1954-1977
Box 9
Certificates, awards, contracts, diplomas
91Advanced Leadership certificate, United Church of Canada1931
92Certificate of naturalization1910, 1943, 1955, 1961

22 March, 1943; registration card (Swiss), 19 April 1955; Birth certificate (copy), 4 July 1961, date of birth 16 May 1910

93Publisher’s contracts: Macmillan; Ontario College of Education; Edouard Privat1954, 1961, 1961-1962
94Awards: l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques; Société des Gens de Lettres5 May, 1960; 14 December 1964
95Merilees citation, honorary degree14 May, 1987
96Certificate, Promotion of multiculturalism13 May, 1988
97Order of Ontario18 April, 1989
98University of Toronto, 25 years service award1992
99Royal Ontario Museum membership14 November, 1994
910Certificate from Institut de France Académie Française1962
911Order of Canada Programme of Investiture1986
912Ordre des Palmes Academiques medal1960
Box 10
Notes for speeches, conférences, etc.
10Research files


Box 11
11Research files


Box 12
12 Research files
Box 13
13Research files


Box 14
141“Three Boats for Benjamin”, translation by Joan Woodward1988
142 Untitled, handwritten and typescript
144Concours d’art oratoire, Juge
145–8“Les Salons littéraires parisiennes de la Princesse Mathilde à nos jours”, typescript and page proofs
149Commentary on plays by Eugène Labiche
1410La réception des littératures étrangères
1411Le français dans le monde
1412Sarah Bernhardt
1413Georges Piroué
1414 Tante Laure raconte
1415 Salon-Masculen (notes)
1416Les Salons littéraires autour des maisons d’édition des librairies et des revues
Box 15
15 Manuscript: “The Adventures of Mickey, Taggy, Puppo and Cica and how they discovered Montreal”
Box 16
16 Manuscript: “Les Salons Littéraires...”, notes
Box 17
171Manuscript: “La Malédiction de l’or”
172–3Manuscript: “Historie de Griselette La Souris’
Box 18
181"Qui est Laure Rièse"[1985?]

Draft manuscript.   

186[Collected clippings, invitations, newsletters, etc.]1964-1994


183Différents as[...?] et travaux1949-1991

Includes letters, clipping, programmes, brochures from U of T, etc. 

184Sur mon livre "La Poésie Canadienne Française"1955-1956

Consists of clippings and letters about her book L'Ame de la Poésie Canadienne Française.  

185Encore sur moi...1974-1975

Includes invitations, programmes, clippings, newsletters, etc. collected by Laure Rièse.   

187-8Différents aspects de ma vie1951-1981

 Includes clippings, invitations, newsletters, and other memorabilia collected by Laure Rièse.  

18 2"Mon 75e Anniversaire"1985

Includes cards, letters, articles, and other memorabilia related to Laure Rièse's birthday.

Box 19
191Articles about or by Laure Rièse1958, ca. 1977, 1986-1992

Clippings and copies of articles collected by Laure Rièse. Contents include:

  • Swiss Canadian News. July/August 1986
  • Ordre International des Anysetiers. Chronique No.78 - Novembre 1988
  • Ordre International des Anysetiers. Chronique No.80 - Novembre 1989
  • Clipping from unnamed UofT newspaper, possibly student publication. c.1977/78
  • Vic Report. Autumn 1990
  • Vic Report. Autumn 1987
  • Revue des forces françaises de l'Est. No.28, 15 avril 1958
  • The Bulletin (University of Toronto). January 25, 1993
  • Le Devoir (Montréal). 16 mai 1992
  • Clipping from La Presse (Montréal). 25 mai 1992
192Articles about or by Laure Rièse1969, 1981-1993

Clippings and copies of articles and ephemera collected by Laure Rièse. Contents include:

  • The Financial Post Magazine. January 1991
  • Swiss Review. September 1990
  • Amistad. December 1990
  • Invitation card (in French language) to opening ceremony of Laure-Riese Elementary School. February 28, 1993
  • Pamphlet: "Inauguration of the Canadian-Swiss Cultural Association Inc.". October 3, 1969
  • Vic Report. Winter 1984
  • Vic Report. Fall 1986
  • Vic Report. Autumn 1988
  • Vic Report. Fall 1983
  • Vic Report. Summer 1985
  • Vic Report. Winter 1981
  • Vic Report. Winter 1986-87
193Articles about or by Laure Rièse1962, 1977, 1981, 1985-1989

Clippings and copies of articles collected by Laure Rièse. Contents include:

  • Clipping from The Globe and Mail. December 5, 1962
  • Vic Report. Winter 1981
  • Pot-pourri: the George R. Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art Newsletter. Summer 1986
  • Clipping from L'Express de Toronto. 9-15 mai 1989
  • Clipping from unnamed, undated newspaper, possibly The Globe and Mail. c.1960's/1970's
  • Le Toronto Express. 23 février 1977
  • Clipping from Le Hamilton Express. 9 mars 1977
  • Theatre Plus News (Backstage). April 1985
  • Langue et société. Été 1988
  • L'Express de Toronto. 24 au 30 juin 1986
194Articles about or by Laure Rièse[193-], 1961-1965, 1991-1992

Clippings and copies of articles collected by Laure Rièse. Contents include:

  • Contact (Le Conseil des écoles françaises de la communauté urbaine de Toronto). Hiver 1992
  • Victoria Reports. April 1965
  • Various unnamed undated newspaper clippings, c.1930's-1990's
  • Clipping from UofT or Vic yearbook, c.1930's
  • Notice from Humanities Research Council of Canada, c.1964
  • List of publications by Victoria University faculty and staff, 1961-1962
  • Revue (L'Association Internationale des Critiques Littéraires). Printemps 1991
195Articles about or by Laure Rièse1944-1945, 1954, 1960, 1962, 1981, 1985-1986, 1989, 1992-1995

Clippings and copies of articles collected by Laure Rièse. Contents include:

  • Trait d'union (Université de Toronto; Département de français). mars 1995
  • Various photocopied articles and newsletters.1980's-90's, n.d.
  • The Canadian Forum. December 1962
  • Clippings from various newspaper and journals, c.1946-1990's
  • Pot-pourri: the George R. Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art Newsletter. Summer 1986
  • Revue internationale de culture française. Jan-Fév 1960
  • Contact (Le Conseil des écoles françaises de la communauté urbaine de Toronto). Juin 1994
  • Vic Report. Summer 1985
  • St. Lazarus Gazette. September 1992
  • St. Lazarus Gazette. February 1993
  • St. Lazarus Gazette. October 1993
  • Lettre de la francophonie. 15 septembre 1993 (2 copies)
  • Program from "L'école Laure-Rièse présente un hommage à la famille". 27 février 1994
  • Vic Report. Autumn 1989
  • Vic Report. Spring 1993
  • Asie Gazette. oct/nov/déc 1981
  • Theatre Plus News (Backstage). April 1985
  • GVC Newsletter (Gardiner Volunteer Committee). January 1994
  • Rolet (Paris). 24 juin 1954
  • L'Aurore (Montréal). 1 juin 1945
  • L'Aurore (Montréal). 15 janvier 1945
  • L'Aurore (Montréal). 15 juillet 1944
  • L'Aurore (Montréal). 1 decembre 1944
  • L'Aurore (Montréal). 15 juillet 1945
  • Rolet (Paris). 27 mai 1954
196Articles about or by Laure Rièse1957, 1960-1961, 1973

Clippings and copies of articles collected by Laure Rièse. Contents include:

  • Revue des électrices. U.N.F. (L'Union nationale des femmes). 1 juillet 1957
  • Revue des électrices. U.N.F. (L'Union nationale des femmes). 1 octobre 1960
  • Revue des électrices. U.N.F. (L'Union nationale des femmes). 1 octobre 1961
  • Francia: periodico di cultura francese. Settembre-Dicembre 1973
  • Commentary by Laure Rièse on «Le Bourgeois ou la Poésie du Rire» by Jean-Louis Barrault. [n.d.]
197Programmes, invitations, notices, etc. 1949-1992

Includes a programme and letter from the Order of Canada service.   

198"Hommage a Laure Rièse par ses amis, anciens élèves et collegues."1985

Created for her 75th birthday.  

Box 20
Photographs and other graphic material
20127 Photographs: b&w (photographer is sometimes identified) Portraits and publicity shots of French authors and literary figures1950–[197–?]
20228 Photographs: b&w and col. (photographer is sometimes identified) Portraits and publicity shots of French authors and literary figures[194–?]–[198–?]
20319 Photographs: b&w (photographer is sometimes identified) Portraits and publicity shots of French authors, and literary and artistic figures that include autographed greetings for Rièse[195–?]–[198–?]
20419 Photographs: b&w and col. (photographer is sometimes identified) Portraits and publicity shots of French authors, and literary and artistic figures that include autographed greetings for Rièse1926-1986
20538 Photographs: b&w and col. (photographer is sometimes identified) Portraits and publicity shots of French authors that include autographed greetings for Rièse1937-1971
2069 Photographs: b&w and col. (photographer is sometimes identified) Portraits of Picasso/Jean Cocteau/Henry Moore/Jerry Kosinski/Barbara Cartland/Anais Nin/Samuel Beckett that include autographs[196–?]–[197–]
20717 Photographs: b&w and col. (photographer is sometimes identified) Portraits and other shots of various prominent individuals, including Winston Churchill, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the Queen, etc. 1917-1992

Also includes one letter.

20866 Photographs: b&w and col. Family, friends and colleagues1938-1985
20922 Photographs: b&w (photographer is sometimes identified) Portraits and other shots of various individuals and groups[193–?]–1983
201027 Photographs: b&w. People and places related to Clevelan1938
201155 Photographs: col., [ca. 1970) Places in Mexico[ca. 1970]
2012 24 Photographs: col. Places in Guadeloupe[ca. 1970]
201331 Photographs: b&w. Places in Florida1938
201415 Photographs: col. Vancouver and other places in British Columbia1977, 1979
201526 Photographs: b&w and col. Various places and room interiors[196–?]–1971
201634 Photographs: b&w (photographer is sometimes identified) Paintings, drawings, medals, literary exhibits, and various other works of art[197–?]–1990
201710 Photographs: col. Interior of her apartment[199–?]
201944 photographs : col. Snapshots of Laure Rièse with family, friends and colleagues1972-1993

Includes a photograph with Northrop Frye and Pauline McGibbon  

202032 photographs : col. Snapshots of Laure Rièse with friends, family and colleagues1963-1978


202111 photographs : b&w. Photographs of Laure Rièse at the poet's garden and Shakespeare's garden[197?]


20229 photographs : b&w. Laure Rièse and others at Alliance Française event in Toronto1977

Individuals are identified. Event was held on April 1, 1977.  

202344 photographs : b&w. Laure Rièse with others.1956-1981

Information about the individuals in the photos and the events are described on the back.  The photographer is sometimes noted.   

202577 photographs : col. Snapshots of Laure Rièse at events; with others. 1980-1990

Includes a photograph of Laure Rièse with Judge Howard, Lincoln Alexander at the reception for the Order of Canada.   

202642 photographs : b&w and col. Photographs and portraits of Laure Rièse on her own.1962-1990


(Photos P1-3)
202714 photographs : b&w. Photographs of Laure Rièse receiving the Médaille d'argent de le Ville de Paris 1967


(Photos P1-14)
20292 photographs : b&w. Photographs of Victoria College groups1948-1958


(Photos P1-2)
20303 Photographs: b&w. Laure Rièse at Alliance Française events1951-1962

Includes 3 photographic negatives.  Credit for photographs is Capital Press Service, Ottawa and Kitchener-Waterloo Record   

203111 photographs : b&w. Photographs of Laure Rièse at various events1954-1961

Includes a photograph of Laure Rièse in attendance with the Pope.  

203216 photographs : b&w and col. Photographs from Laure Rièse's 75th birthday1985

Photographs by Patricio Baeza, Toronto  

20335 photographs : b&w. Laure Rièse at events 'Palmes Académiques', 'Alliance', 'Consuls'[196?]

3 photographs by L.S. Falquet. Includes 3 negatives.    

203419 photographs : b&w and col. Photographs related to Victoria College1933-1993


(Photos P2-19)
20358 photographs : b&w ; 12 cm x 17 cm. Photographs of Laure Rièse and others at Reid Hall, Paris1961

Photographs were taken by J. Gorne, Paris.   

20365 photographs : b&w. Photographs of Laure Rièse and other aboard the S.S. Homeric and R.M.S. Queen Elizabeth1952


2037Portrait photograph of Laure Rièse1994


(Photos P1)
203858 photographs : b&w. Photographs of Chateau Bagatelle, Paris. [196?]

Photographer is sometimes identified. Individuals in photographs are identified.   

20391 photograph album : 209 photographs1961-1990

Album is leather. Photographs are loose on pages.  Subject matter includes Victoria College, Paris events, Order of Ontario ceremony, friends, family and colleagues, etc.   

20401 photograph album : 14 photographs : b&w and col. Christmas and 75th anniversary snapshot. 1939-1983


2018Pastel portrait of Laure Rièse1937

1 drawing

2024Autographed portrait sketches addressed to Rièse1959-1962

Includes sketches of Claude Aveline, Pierre Descaves. 7 drawings total

2028Sketches by H. Stauffer 1933-1936

2 charcoal drawings. 2 photo-reproductions.   

Box 21
Photographs and other graphic material
21 “Mini-portrait pour le lancement de la foundation.”

74 video cassettes of a production for Television Française Ontario (TFO).

Tape listing available.

Box 22
221 audio cassette of interview1986


2274 video cassettes (cont.)

Tape listing available.

Box 23
Correspondence and Manuscripts Submitted to Laure Rièse
231Claude Aveline ; J.M. Andrieu1963-1980

All material is in French.   

232Roger Brulard [drawings] ; Michel Braibant ; Claire Blais ; Georges Bordonove ; Lucien Benacem 1963-1975

4 drawings : acrylic paint on black paper.

All material is in French.

233José Cabanis ; Michel Calonne ; G.E. Clancier1960-1969

All material is in French  

234André Dhôtel ; G.V Downes[197?]

The Dhôtel work is in French.   

235Leonid Fridman [drawings] ; Gisèle Freund1954-[198-]

2 drawings : intaglio prints 

Material is in French.

236André Gavoty1961-1962

Material is in French.  

237Gérard D'Houville ; M. Hering ; Eugène Ionesco[196-] -1964

All material is in French.   

238Juliette Le Sauze "Par les chemins de France"[196?]

Material is in French.  

239Pauline McGibbon 1974

Copies of speeches.  

2310[Pierre] Menanteau1964

Material is in French.   

2311Louis Martin-Chauffier ; Claude Roger-Marx ; Marcelle McGibbon ; Nora Mills ; Jean Mirucki ; Pierre Henri Maillard1965-1979

All material is in French except for the article by Nora Mills.   

2312Gérard Mourgue 1961

Material is in French.   

2313Gérard Mourgue [drawings and photograph]1966

1 photograph : b&w ; 3 drawings : black ink on paper  

2314Gérard Mourgue1958-1976

Material is in French.  

2315Anaïs Nin ; E. Noulet1968-1970


2316Bob O'Driscall1968-1972


2317Manuscrits divers [manuscripts by Armand de Bourbon, Olga Pontiatine, Maurice Barrès, General Charles Mangin, Joseph de Pesquidoux]1923-1928

All material is in French.   

2318Mathilde Pomès ; Andrée Petibon ; François Perche ; Claude des Presles ; Una Pfau1965-1981

All material is in French.   

2319Thomas Reito1981-1985

Material is in English and French.   

2320Dominique de Roux[197-]

Material is in French.   

2321Maurice Renard1931-1963

Material is in French.   

Box 24
241Correspondence au sujet du prix du Roman populaire entre Maurice Renard, Albert Dubeux etc. Auteurs connus chez Sophie Stambat1935-1959

Material is in French.   

242Isabelle Georges Schreiber1932-1966

Material is in French.   

243Philippe Servan-Schreiber1967-1991

Material is in French.  

244Simone Saint Clair "Bûche qui pleure et bûche qui rit"1951-1957

Material is in French.   

245Stéphanie Sarkany1980

Material in is French.   

246Ben Z. Shek ; Hilda B. Salter ; Jan S. Stewart1961-1980


247Henry Stalder1988


248Jean-Noël Tremblay ; Georges Trevoux1956-1969

Material is in French.   

249Renate Urmiani ; Léa Usin 1970-1972

One article is in German.   

2410Véra Volmane1952-1972

Material is in French.   

2411Arved Viiland ; Suzanne de la Villemarqué1939-1971

Material by Suzanne de la Villemarqué is in French.   

2412Francis Warner1970


2413Don Wood1968

3 drawings : black ink on paper

2414Hersh Zeifman 1975-1978


2415Unsorted [unsorted manuscripts]1963-1989

Some material is in French.

Box 25
Photographs and other graphic material
2511 photograph album : 290 b&w photographs1928-1933

Photographs are personal shots of travel, family and friends, graduation etc.   

2521 photograph album : 242 b&w photographs1935-1936

Photographs are personal shots of family and friends, travel in Europe, etc.   

2531 photograph album : 408 b&w photographs1937

Photographs are personal travels shots from Europe and Morocco   

254[Various photographs of Laure Rièse, family and friends][196-]

78 photographs : 68 b&w and 10 col.   

Box 26
261Aimée Alexandre
262 Suzanne d’Allaines
263 Abastado; Adam; M. Alexandre; Andrieux; Aragon; Arbellot; Arnoux; Artinian; Audoin; Auserve
264Achard; Amos; Arnaud; Arrabal; D’Assailly
265Jean Marie Andrieu
266Acremant; Antoine; Antonini; Arrighi; Aslan; Auclair; Aury
267Amy; Anglade; Asie; Audureau
268Abirached; Albérès; Albertini; Alguié; Antoine; Armand; Aron; Asselineau; Audry; Avril
269Bedel; Beucler; Boisbossel; Bollery; Bordier; Bourdet; Boyè; André Breton; Brion
2610Barthes; Simone de Beauvoir; Bécaud-Foch; Bondu; Boutron; Marquise de Bremond d’Ars (see also Box 26, File 14); Brereton; Broque
2611Ban; Bancquart; Barrère; Beard du Dézert; Bérence; Berreau; Bertillon; Bonnier; Bordeaux; Bornecque
2612Bargavel; Bertin; Bibesco; Billetdoux; Boegner; Bourdelle; Pierre Bourgeade (see also file 026: 20); Brée; Brès; Brethenoux; De Broglie; Brunschwig
2613Baudin; Beaume; Benoziglio; Besus; Bevan; Bourget-Pailleron; Christian Bourgois (see also file 026: 20)
2614Banine; Bazan; Bory; Marquise de Bremond d’Ars (see also file 026: 10); Buis
2615Béarn; Berl; Bernard; Bertault; Boisdeffre; De Burine
2616Barthou; Belmond; Benay; Beresford-Howe; Bonnard; Bourniquel; Breton; Abbé Breuil et Boyle; Burckhardt
2617Bailly; Bancal; Beaufils; Breker
2618Balsan; Baudin; Bauër; Behars; Belguise; Bernal; Blazy; Bordenove; Bosco; Bourgeon; Brusadelli
2619Berbato; Blatin; Brilloin; Bourelet
2620Basson; Bédu; Beguin; Bens; Berry; Bodart; Boudard; Pierre Bourgeade (see also Box 26, File 12); Christian Bourgois (see also file p26: 13); Bouvard; Butor; Batori; Buin
2621Beigheder; Blanc; Blancpain; De Boisanger; Bregnard; Brisville; Bruizières
2622Baignères; Bataille; Benmussa; Bertin; Besson; Blondel; Bloomberg; C. Bonnefoy; Bonte; Braga; Brassaï; De Brissac
2623 G. Bazin; H. Béhar; Bomiot; Bonnard; Borgal
2624Beau de Lomenie; Billy; A. Blanc; Bolle; Y. Bonnefoy; Bosquet; Bourin; Brezolles; G. de Brissac
2625Barjon; E. Bazan; H. Bazin; Beaujour; C.P. Blanche; Boulanger; Boulle; Bourbon-Busset; Bretty; Bureau
2626Cézan; Chaix; Colin; Conchon; Da Costa; Cotte; Courant; Crèspelle; Criscuolo; Cuisenier
2627Caideu; Callaghan; Camo; Carassus; Chabrol; Chambard; Chevalley; Cladel; Clémenceau; Coplain; Curtis
2628Cabrini; Calmuscki; Cazeneuve; Chabaneix; Champion; Chapsal; P.J. Charles; C. Clere; Colette; Conduché; Couffignal
2629Cadoret; Calaferte; Capelle; Carbet; Cayrol; Chaillou; Chalon; Charroux; Chevalier; Choffel; Chroubi; Clarac; Coe; Corvin; Cosem; Cothurne; Coulet
2630Cabanne; Capelle; Caulais; Cerbelaud-Salagnac; Cesbron; Chabannes; Chandeau; Charles-Roux; Clifford-Barney; Coursay; De Cuttoli
2631Camus; Camusat; Carrouges; Chastenet; Chauffin; Cheneviève; Christous; Cixous; Paul & Pierre Paul Claudel; Combette; Coqueux; Crahey; Crémont
2632Cauët; Chaponnière; Chevallier; Christoflour; B. Clavel; Clot; Cranaki; Cruickshank
2633Calzy; Carrière; Chabrier; Chaigne; Champigny; Chamson; Charras; Chedid; Chonez; Clancier; Clouard; Cognati; Coste
2634Cappiello; Carbet; Carlier; De Castries; Cathelin; Charasson; Chobrun; Clark; Cleray; Corbeiller; Crouzet; Curnier
2635Dansette; Decaudin; Dédéyan; Delahalle; Delfiner; Derche; Descharnes; Despert; Doppagne; Dorian; Dupré; Durkin
2636Dard; Darnas; Dasté; Decaud-Bourget; Decaux; Dekobra; Delvaille; Descola; Devaux; Dollet; Duchêne; J.P. Dumont
2637De Damierre; Davy; Dehaye; Dejean; Deval; Duclos; De Durfort; Duron
2638D’Aubarède; Daumard; Dérieux; Dhôtel; De Diéguez; Di Franco; Drucker; Druon; Duhamel; Dumas; Duvignaud
2639 Dalle Nogare; Daninos; Danton; Darbois; D’Astorg; De Coquet; Delander; Denis; Dorin; D’Ormesson; M. Duhamel; Dumont; Dumur; Duplessis
2640Dali; Dane; Davenport; David; Demougin; Dormoy; Dort; Duits; Dumaine; Duras; Durry
Box 27
271Davet; Davray; Debat; De Brissac; De Garry; Deharme; Dierx; Dohnard; Doubrovsky; Dumesnil
272De Breteuil; Delarue; Delpech; Demargne; Descaves; Détharé; Diesbach; Dolez; Dutourd
273Eisenberg; Engel; Erkel; Erlanger; Escholier; Esnoul; Esslin; Etcherelli; Etiemble; Everling; Exbrayat; Eydoux
275Fasquelle; Filippi; Forsyth; Frank; Frigiotti
276Fiumi; Fleg; Florenne; Follain; Ford; Freund; Frohock; Fuchs; Fumet
277Faucher-Magnan; Faure-Favier; De Fels; C. Fontaine; Fougère; N. Frank
278Fabre; Fauchery; Feuillère; Flory; F. Fontaine; Forestier; Fournier; Ch. Frank; Freeman; Freustie; Furet
279Fabre; E. Faure; Fini; Fouchet; Fourcade; H. Fowlie
2710Garçon; P. Gascar (see also File 027: 17); Genevoix; A. George; Gheur; Gibson; J.P. Giraudoux; Giroud; Gouze; G. Gregh; Guisan
2711Gadoffre; Galante; Gallois; Ganne; Gérard; Gerber; Gilles; Gimpel; Giraudon; Girod de l“Ain; A. Green; Guiral
2712Gaal; Galliot; Garreau-Dombasli; Gaudy; Gelas; Gleizes; Guidicelli; Guilleminault; Guiney
2713Gay; Geiger; George-Day; Gershamn; Gouhier; Grasse; D. Gray; B. Gros; Grosrichard; Guillevic
2714E. Gautier; Gavalda; B. Gelli; Giono; Grepon; Grunbaum-Ballin; Guers-Villate; Guillois; Gurgand
2715Gatti; Grobèty
2716Garnier; Gaulmier; Gauthier-Walter; J.J. Gautier; Gessain; Gilot; De Givray; Goeury; Goudeket; Grenier; Guth
2717Ganachaud; Ganzl; Garreau-Dombale; Gars; P. Gascar (see also Box 27, File 10); Gaskell; Gautier-Vignal; Gayot; Gevaudan; Gille; F. Groult; Guerard; A. Guy
2718De Gandillac; Gennari; Germain-Martin; Gheorghiu; Gillès; Gillet; Ginestier; Guéhenno; Guillemin
2719Colette Héliot
2720Albert Hamon
2721Hackett; Halevy; Hallier; Hebert; Hennebert; Henriot; Heriat; Hérissé; Hugnet; Humeau
2722Havelock; Hermann-Martin; Heronde-Villefosse; Heurgon-Dejardins; Hivert; Hodin; Hollier; Honoré; Hordeguin; Huyghes
2723Habsbourg; Haedens; Halda; Hellens; Hanri-Martin; D’Houville; Hytier; J. Hugo
2724Ikor; Ionesco; Isorni; Ivernel
2725Jaunière; M. Jean; Jeanne; Jeanson; R. Joffet; Joffroy; Jullian
2726Jalam; E. Janvier; G. Jean; Jobit; Johannet; Jouhandeau; Jules-Martin; Jungmann
2727Jacobsen; Jacquot; Jaspar; Jaubert; R. Jean; Jeancard; Jean-Charles; Jelinek; Julien
2728Kahn; Kedros; Kerjan; De Kerroual; Kessel; Khiem; Kieffer; Kietzulesco; Kihm; Kitchener; Klineberg; Klots; Kolb; Kosinsky; Kourilsky; Kourouma; Kübler
2729Lacroix; Lalande; Lang; Langevin; Larcher; Latzarus; Le Clech; Lerminier; Livrozet; Long
2730Labour; Lambert; Leather; Lejeune; Lhostis; Loisy
2731Lacour; Larthomas; Le Prat-Stein; Lescure; Lévy; Lilar; Lyautey
2732Lablenie; Labrachie; Lacant; Lahaye; Lalande; Landi-Bénos; Las Vergnas; De Lauris; Lioure; Lonchampt
2733Duchesse E. de la Rochefoucauld
2734Laffitan; Langlois; Lebois; Le Gentil; Léger; Lionel; M. Lemaître; De Luppé
2735Lacarrière; De Lacretelle; A. Lanoux; C. and D. Launay; Laurenti; Le Bras; Lepidis; De Ligneris; Loviot-Delzan; Lugéon; Lutgen
2736J. Le Sauze; Claude Longhy
2737De la Gorce; Lethuenen; Le Quintrec; Lindon; Loubet del Bayle
2738Labruyère; Le Breton-Grandmaison; Le Cordier; Lefranc; Le Hardouin; H. Lemaître; Lenoir; Leroy
Box 28
281A. Lang; Laffranque; Laperrière; Lavarenne; Leclerc; Leclercq; Leutrat; Levantal; De Louvencourt; Loyonnet
282Magnane; Malignon; Malraux; Malves; Matossian; Mauchaussée; Méglin; Mélèse; Millecam; Montalte
283Mac Orlan; Madaillon; Madaule; Margueritte; Monfreid; Moubachir; G. Mouton
284Magnan; Marcel; Marissel; Martin-Chauffice; Mercier-Campiche; Morette
285Mannoni; L. Masson; Matarasso; André Maurois; Meyer-Zandel; Missoffe; P. Moinot; Morand; H. Muller
286Manet; Matignon; Michelet; Mignon; L. Moulin; Mouton
287Maillard; Maugendre; Menanteau; Mertens; Michaud; Milorad; Monfort; Moreau; Morisette; Mortureux; Moussat
288Madral; Magre; F. Marceau; Marcello-Fabri; Marquet; Maudail; Merle; Mithois; Mitterand; Morot-Sir
289Manceron; Marais; Marcou; Marie; Maurette; Mes; Monod; Murciaux
2810Martin du Gard; Massis; R. Masson; M. Maurois; McCarthy; Michel; Montherlant; Mounir
2811 Magali; G. Mallarmé; Mante-Rostand; Massepain; F. Masson; Melchior-Bonnet; Mendès-France; Moinot; Monési; De Montesquiou-Feyniac
2812Majault; Martin; Martinerie; Mauron; Minot; Miquel; Mora; J. Moulin; Mrozek; Mueller
2813Marbo; Matrat; Mistler
2814Naegelen; Nathan; Neveux; Nicaisse; Nin; Nord; Nores; Noulet
2815 Narajac; Naubert; Nédoncelle; Nérault; Niclausse; De la Noë; Nohain; Noli; Nougier; Nourissier
2816 Obaldie; Oddo; Odier; Olivier-Lacamp; Ollier; Ollivro; Onimus; Orieux; Outmont; Ozeray
2817Pauliat; Petitbon; Des Presles; Puaux
2818 Painter; Paoli; Parmelin; Parturier; Perot; H. Petit; H.M. Peyre; Pous; Priouret
2819Jacqueline Prost
2820Panco; Paris; Pernoud; Perroux; Peyrefitte; Piroué; De Polignac; Pringué; Privat; Pruner
2821V. De Pange; Piettre; Ploquin-Caunan; Pommier; Pozner; Prassinos; Prédal; Pronko; Pucciani
2822Pailleron; Paqueriau; Parent; Paysan; Pélégri; Peuteuil; J. Peyré; P. Pia; Pichois; Poirot-Delpeck; Poulet; Psichari
2823 Parinaud; Parisot; Pauwels; Pawlowska; Perrault; Pétrement; Prévost; Popelin; Prentki
2824Pfau; Pomès; Pourtal de Ladevèze
2825De Pange; Paulhan; Penrose; Perche; Perruchot; Pieyre de Mandiargue; Pingaud; Poisson; F. Ponge
2826Queant; Quéffelec; Queval
2827M. Raimond; Renaud; M. Robert; Robichet; Roblès; Roblot; Romains; J. Rostand; Rousseau; Roussel; Rude; Rudel
2828M. Raimond; Renaud; M. Robert; Robichet; Roblès; Roblot; Romains; J. Rostand; Rousseau; Roussel; Rude; Rudel
2829Raspail; Régy; Remy; Rey; Ribeaud; Ricaumont; Rochenoir; Roditi; Roncoroni; E. Rousseau; Roussin
2830Reboux; Régnier; Du Rels; Rémy; Ribemont-Dessaignes; Richtscheid; Rièse-Hubert; Robida; Roche; Roger-Maix; Rommel; Rosita; Roudaut
2831 Ragon; Raillard; Regard; Reuter; Revel; Rezvani; Ricardou; Roland; Ronfard; De Rougemont; Rousselot; Ruff; Ruyssen
2832Sauvageot; Scheler; Sèghers; Seiffel; Serullaz; Shenken; Sigaux; Silvain; Soulages
2833P. Sabatier; Sabine; De Saint-Robert; Sarcey; Schwerer; P.H. Simon; Soreil; Soustelle
2834R. Sabatier; Salacrou; Samivel; Schlesinger; Schneider; Schuman; Serruys; Sipriot; Sordelli; Sur
2835 Saillet; Saint-Lo; Sartin; Seydoux; Shazar; Simiot
2836 Salmon; Sauvage; Seguin; Delle Selva; Sergent; Simolué; Sorel; Stammler; St. Germain; Supervielle; Surer
2837Salvador; Sandman; Scurière; Simenon; Cl. Simon; Simon-Auguste; Smith; Solente; R. Soupault
2838Sarraute; Scheikevitch; Schifres; Sehart; Serreau; Spezzafumo; Spire; Stern
2839De Sabrau-Ponterus; Saint Helm; De Saix; De Saussine; Schuhl; Soren-Gutman; Ph. Soupault; Stirling
2840Thérenaz; Thibaut; J. Thomas; Tison; M. Tournier; Troyat
2841Tardieu; Terrien; Y. Tiénot; Treignier; Truffault; Tullio de Rosa
2842Thérive; Thirion; Tillion; Toesca; Topor; Touchard; Toulat; Tournebize; J. Tournier; Trollie
Box 29
291Jean Urruty
292Vailland; Vallée; Vandergans; Vaudoyer; Verdot; M. Verdier; Vialar; Viatte; Vignaud; Virmaux; Vogelweith
293Valviant; Vandromme; Van Moppes; De Vauz-de Foletier; Vedrès; Velan; Vier; Viirlaid; Vogel
294A. Vaillant; Vale; Van de Wiele; Vannier; Van Tieghem; Vauthier; Veinstein; Vial; Victor
295Van der Kemp; Van Lowick; Varillon; Vaubourdolle; Velle; Verdiergne; Vernois; Vildrac; Vilmorin; Vogue
296Wahl; Waldberg; Walzer; Warner; Weber; L. Weiss; N. Weiss; Werrie; Wickes; Wiet; De Wissant; Worms; Wormser
297Peter Zagorski
298Xenakis; Yamata; Marguerite Yourcenar
2927Various French Canadians
2928Délégation Générale de l’Ontario à Paris
2929Association Internationale des Critiques Littéraires
2930Radio Saint-Cyr (la radio française à Toronto)
2931Canadiens intéressantes
2932Profs et universitées canadien anglais
Correspondence with Canadian authors
299Hubert Aquin; R. Arbour; Margaret Atwood; Louis Philippe Audet
2910Baillargeon; Beaulne; Bellon; Benoit; Bergeron; Bosco; Boucher; Boundy; Bourbeuff
2911Besette; Billon; Biram; J. Blais; M.C. Blais; Bossus; A. Brown
2912Catta; Chabot; A. de Chantal
2913 Carrière; Casavan; De Chantal; Charbonneau; Châtillon; Chenevert; Danielle Choquette; Robert Choquette; E. Cloutier; Corbeil; Cormier
2914 Cécile Cloutier
2915Dagneau; Darbelnet; Desrochers; Doat; Doré; Duhamel; Duval
2916Edney; Edwards; Falardeau; Ferland; Filiatrault; Francis; Fullman
2917Gagnon; Galbant; Garigue; Gelinas; Genuist; Giguère; Godbout; Godin; De Grandpré; Green; Guérin; Guèvremont; Guey
2918Hamel; M. Hébert; Hénault; Jones; Kattan; Kushner
2919Lanctot; Lapointe; Lasnier; Latreille; Lavallier; Leclerc; Léger; Lemelin; Le Moine
2920MacLennan; L. Mailhot; M. Mailhot; A. Major; J. Major; Marion; Martin; Mathieu; McRae; Menard; Mercié; De Mestral; Moir; Mondolini; Motard
2921Maillet; Maranda; Mathieu; Maugey; McCullum; M. McGibbon; McLuhan; Meigs; Miruchi; Monsfer; Naubert; Neatby
2922 Ouelette; Pacey; Pageau; Pallascio-Morin; A. Paradis; S. Paradis; Parizeau; Pfeiffer; Phillips; Pilon; Pinsonneault; Poulin
2923Racette; Reid; Renaud; G. Rioux; M. Rioux; B. Robert; G. Robert; Robinson; Robitaille; G. Roy; M.A. Roy
2924Sabourin; Salvator-Catta; Sanders; Sarkany; Saul; Savard; Sheppard; Smith; Somcynsky; Soucy; Spicer; Sylvestre
2925Tarrab; Thériault; Thério; Tisseyre; Tougas; A. Tremblay; J. Tremblay; Trottier
2926Vac; Valin; Van Burek; Viirlaid; Vikis-Freibergs; Vogels; Wagner; Wyczynski; Yalden
Box 30
301Divers amis
302Délégation du Quebec (bureau du Gouvernement du Quebec à Toronto)
303Divers auteurs et peintres
304–5Michelle Amédée Ponceau
306G. Arnold; Cadieux; Campbell; Dennison; L.. Faludy; Heinrich; Ignatieff; Kirkwood; Landry; McCulley; Stewart
307Divers écrivans
308Catherine, Elizabeth, Emile, Philippe et Sylvie Servan-Schreiber (auteur) (see also Box 32, File 3)
309Simone Saint-Clair (auteur) (see also Box 30, File 12)
3010Aebi; Astoin; Auger; Gespeieau; Kleindienst; Popovitch; Ray; Rossé; Rouit; Spycker (librarians)
3011Le Masne (librarian)
3012Lettres à Simone Saint-Clair (from various people) (see also Box 30, File 9)
3013 Davies; Gérome; Grillon; Korène; Mirvish; Raimond; Theâtre Vienna; Viala (people involved in the theatre)
Scrapbook Divers personnes
3014–15Correspondence addressed to Laure in her function at the French Department at Victoria University; various subjects
3016Correspondence with cultural attaches
3017Correspondence with ambassadors
3018Correspondence with governors
3019Correspondence with consuls
Box 31
311–2Correspondence with consuls
313Correspondence with York University
314Correspondence with St. Michael’s college, University of Toronto
315 Correspondence with friends in Vancouver
316 Correspondence with professors at the University of Toronto
317Correspondence with Trinity College, Toronto
318Correspondence with professeurs secondaires
319Correspondence with Canadian universities
3110Correspondence with professors at University College (University of Toronto)
3111–13Correspondence with amis de France
3114Correspondence with Lise Trèves et sa mere (amis de France) See also Box 31, File 16
3115Genthon; Miodon; Renaud (amis de France)
3116Correspondence with the Trèves family See also Box 31, File 14
3117Correspondence with Claude Aveline
Box 32
321Lettres de l’étranger (other than France)
322Correspondence with people in Bermuda
323Correspondence with Edith Servan–Schreiber See also Box 30, File 8
324Correspondence with Henri and Paulette Guisez
325Correspondence with the Blanchard family in France and the Miro family in Spain
326Correspondence with Isabelle Georges-Schreiber (auteur)
327Correspondence with Eleanor R. Morse
328 Correspondence with American universities
329 Correspondence with American friends
3210 Lettres d’Angleterre
3211Correspondence with Maguy and Raymond Trévoux
3212 Correspondence with Hélène Fouré-Selter (auteur)
3213 Correspondence with Thérèse Meiniger; Lola Prusac; Raymonde and Robert Ricci (couturières)
3215Correspondence with Henriette and Paul Blanc
3216Correspondence with Suzanne R. Cattan
3217Correspondence with Denise Launay; Aline and Roger Leviste van Barentzen (musicians)
3218Correspondence with Alaya and Samuel Zacks
3219Correspondence with André Gavoty (poète et Secrétaire Général du Revue des Deux Mondes, Paris) et son fils Bruno Gavoty
3220Various postcards
Box 33
331Correspondence with Badaire; Delforge; Gourdet; Haniotis; Launay; Monteux (musicians)
332Correspondence with Roubakine; Douvarain (musicians)
333Correspondence with various artists
334Correspondence with Elisabeth Nizan (actrice)
335Ianchelevici (scupltor)
336Correspondence with publishers
Teaching files
338 Samuel Beckett
339Fernando Arrabal
3310Le Théâtre de l’absurde
3311Jean Cocteau (théâtre)
3312–13Eugène Ionesco (théâtre)
3314Théâtre moderne général
3315Adamov, Billet doux
3316Fernando Arrabal
3317Marguerite Duras and others (théâtre)
3318Françoise Sagan and others (théâtre)
3319Théâtre général
3320Course poésie moderne
3321Baudelaire, Gatti, Genet, Jarry, Mauriac, Obaldia, Sarraute, Taraieu, Weingarten
3322Jean Paul Sartre
Box 34
341Jean Giraudoux (théâtre)
342Vieilles pièces (théâtre)
343Roman moderne: Camus, Sarraute, Sartre
344Paul Claudel (théâtre)
345Henry de Montherlant (théâtre)
346André Roussin, Jean Vauthier (théâtre)
347Théâtre général (enveloppe)
348Bibliografie théâtre
349Théâtre–critique variés (enveloppe)
3410Jacques Copeau (enveloppe)
3411Théâtre moderne
3412Théâtre général
3413Albert Camus
3414Bibliographie Marguerite Duras
3415Animateurs de théâtre
3416Théâtre critiques sur nombreux auteurs moderne
3417Animateurs de théâtre
3418Jean Anouilh
Box 35
Photographs and other graphic material
351Photographs from Victoria College[195?](Photos P1-2)
35Playbill for "Tiger at the Gates" by Jean Giradoux1985

Includes a note that states the the performance for the night was in honour of Dr. Laure Rièse on the occasion of her 75th birthday.

355Song sheets addressed to Laure Rièse from the composer Albert Lejeune[195?]

Scores with music and lyrics addressed to Laure Rièse.  Lyrics are in French.

357Pencil drawing 'saint eline'[19--]

Pencil drawing of a woman's face. Unknown artist.  

358Signed portrait of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada1969

Accompanied by a letter from the secretary of the Prime Minister's Office to Laure Rièse.  

3592 Japanese water colour and ink drawings [19-?]

Drawings depict geese flying and a landscape scene with people and a barge. Drawings are 18 cm x 12 cm   

3510Marcel North - Paysages pour douze fables de Jean de la Fontaine1941

Two print drawings of set (18/50). IV Phébus et Borée - Sierre and XI Les Vautours et les Pigeons - Genève.  Set is I - XII  

3511Prints by Jacques Callot[before 1800]

2 prints of Jacques Callot etchings.  The first print is Entrée de Monseigneur le Prince de Pfaltzbourg Tenant au Combat (Entry of the Prince of Phalsbourg, Champion of the Combat). First printed in 1627.

Second print is Vue du Pont Neuf, Paris. First printed in 1630.

35 2Bank of Montreal brochure/advertisement featuring Laure Rièse’s photo1992
35 375th birthday pin 1985
356Poster for African Tribal Art from the collection of Sam and Ayala Zacks, exhibit at Hart House Gallery[197?]

Poster is signed by Ayala Zacks.   

Box 36
Certificates, awards, contracts, diplomas
361 Université de Paris certificate1927
362University of Toronto B.A. diploma1933
363University of Toronto M.A. diploma1935
364University of Toronto Ph.D. diploma1947
365République Française Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale certificate1948
366Institut de France Academie Française certificate1962
367Officer of the Order of Canada certificate1985
Box 37
371Bank of Montreal ad with Rièse (English)
372Bank of Montreal ad with Rièse (French)
373CBC Television film by Sorel Etrog1975
374 Florence Vale exhibit1974
375 Florence Vale exhibit1977
376Art Gallery of Ontario–“Drawing Re-discovered”1976
377Philippe Levantal exhibit1969
37 /OS8St. Lawrence Centre—“On the Razzle”1983
37 /OS9Asuna ad with Rièse
3710Enercal ad1993
Box 38
Certificates, awards, contracts, diplomas
38 2Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem certificate1986
38 3Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres de la Ministre de la Culture, de la Communication, des grands travaux et du bicentenaire, République Française1989
Photographs and other graphic material
38 /OS13T3 Victoria Class Hike at Professor Lang's Summer Home, October 21, 1932 1932


(Photos P1)
38 /OS7Decorative painting - acrylic on bark paper[197?]


38 /OS8La sorcière [drawing gold and black pencil][196?]


38 /OS 4Ordre National la Légion d’Honneur, République Française1971
38 /OS6"A bouche fermée nul echo"1970

By Claude Aveline. Dedicated to Laure Rièse.  Poster is a poem and drawing.    

38 /OS 5Poster 14th Festival Franco-Anglais de Poesie